Learning @ Springdale

We offer a huge range of learning. We have courses designed to teach, instruct and give you new skills. Refer to the Learning Master Guide for a complete listing of learning options available.

The SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre offers learning courses and classes as part of our mission and the purpose of our organisation. We do this in conjunction with many partners including all our instructors, a number of businesses and some Registered Training Organisations.

A special partner is Department of Education and Training with whom we have an agreement to support the training of people who are looking to improve their employment opportunities not their hobbies.

Key groups of people that the Department would like to see in our statistics are women, including young mothers, seeking to re-enter the workforce after a period away or those who have experienced family violence, adults who were early school leavers, indigenous people, low skilled and vulnerable workers, unemployed and underemployed people, people from a culturally or linguistically diverse background, people with a disability, young people who may be at risk of disengaging from community or education.

Our programs are designed to respond to emerging employment opportunities with a greater focus on the development of literacy and numeracy, interpersonal skills, practical training or hands on learning and work experience, as well as the development of small business enterprises. We embed broad skills such as flexibility, teamwork, and entrepreneurialism; and basic foundation skills such as language, literacy, numeracy and computer skills in our courses.

The intention with which people attend classes will help to determine whether concessions or support can be applied or given to the person to do the course. I understand most of our courses do support the development of the skills listed above. If you have any suggestions for other classes please let us know to help us grow the offering for our community.

Anne Brackley
SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre Inc

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