What We Do
Join a group of like-minded crossword fans to learn and share the skills needed to solve Cryptic Crosswords. This group is for seasoned cryptic crossword solvers.
While enjoying refreshments, we work through crosswords from the UK Guardian newspaper. By sharing ideas, and helping and learning from each other, the group usually completes 3 or 4 crosswords per session. We solve cryptic crosswords together in a fun and non-competitive atmosphere.

The Details
Contact: SpringDale on 5253 1960
Meeting Day: Fridays
Meeting Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: SpringDale Neigbourhood Centre
Donation: $2.00 per session
To attend any SpringDale Group you must be a member of SpringDale Neigbourhood Centre.
Annual Membership is $12.00. Life time membership is $100.00.
Each group charges a small donation fee payable to SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre to run the group activities.