What We Do
Similar to the Western card game rummy, mahjong is a game of skill, strategy, and calculation and involves a degree of chance. It is a tile-based game that was developed in China during the Qing dynasty and has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. It is commonly played by four players. We play the game in a relaxed friendly environment and welcome new members to join us and enjoy playing mahjong.

The Details
Contact: SpringDale on 5253 1960
Meeting Day: Wednesday
Meeting Time: 9.00 AM – 12 Noon
Location: SpringDale Neigbourhood Centre Hall
Donation:$3.00 per session
To attend any SpringDale Group you must be a member of SpringDale Neigbourhood Centre.
Annual Membership is $12.00. Life time membership is $100.00.
Each group charges a small donation fee payable to SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre to run the group activities.